WHO Poll

timmyh 9:40 Thu Sep 29
Massive East Stand Flag
Been a supporter for over 35 years and have a season ticket in the new East Stand about half way up.

Like many I'm not happy with many things with the new stadium. They have started to address a lot of issues but there are still many basic things that they have completely messed up e.g. the allocation of tickets in the TB lower (where our hardcore fans should have been sold season tickets) and the swathes of empty seats even at games we have supposedly sold out. They need to get the tickets trading facility sorted sharpish as it just makes us fans, the club and the stadium look a joke.

Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that we are stuck with it now and it is up to us, whether we like it or not to turn that place into a fortress. I.ve seen a lot of people on here suggest the need to mobilise ourselves as a group so that we can take back some control and have our voices heard. I thought a good start would be to get a massive (and I mean massive) flag made that we can run across the whole East Stand before the games and at half time. I'm talking Dortmund style & not the Leicester happy clapper, behind the goal shit they have at the Emirates when they score a goal.

Open to suggestion on what could be on it, but something with the crossed hammers and words along the lines of:





The message would be simple. It would be seen by millions on TV, in front of the directors and would hopefully really generate a better atmosphere and get people buzzing before the games. I could set up a funding/donation site so people can chip in and maybe get involved with designs (I work in the rag trade so should be able to get it made quite easily), and then run a poll so people can vote on the best design to get made.

Only thing is that it would need to be approved by the club and also be fire retardant with a certificate (that bit is standard and easy to get).

Can get it posted out across all the West Ham social channels, and already had a really positive response on KUMB before an over zealous MOD decided to delete the thread for no reason?!

Let us know your thoughts. Dons tin hat. Irons!


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Eggbert Nobacon 10:10 Tue Dec 13
Re: Massive East Stand Flag
Mr. Burns 8:41 Mon Dec 12

Mr. Burns 8:41 Mon Dec 12
Re: Massive East Stand Flag
Can we just fuck this off. Terrible idea.

The_Phantom 10:48 Sun Dec 11
Re: Massive East Stand Flag

stomper 9:58 Sun Dec 11
Re: Massive East Stand Flag




Chim Chimenee Chim Chimenee Chim Chim Cheroo

Northern Sold 9:32 Sun Dec 11
Re: Massive East Stand Flag
Christ there has been more thought process going into a bleedin' flag than there was in the whole of the Olympic stadium...!!

timmyh 9:07 Sun Dec 11
Re: Massive East Stand Flag
any images would probably be worked into the background colour, so its tonal - still clear to see but it wouldn't make things too 'busy'

Long Lost 8:59 Sun Dec 11
Re: Massive East Stand Flag
Hope the fortunes one doesn't win. The lack of apostrophe is making me itch.

On The Ball 8:39 Sun Dec 11
Re: Massive East Stand Flag
FWIW, I think the simpler the better. I'd worry that pictures won't come over as well.

timmyh 8:02 Sun Dec 11
Re: Massive East Stand Flag
good result that...

really like the idea of Billy Bonds on there, i'll see what I can knock up

Athletico Easthamico 6:06 Sun Dec 11
Re: Massive East Stand Flag
Bonds one side of the crossed Hammers and John Lyall the other.

Just a reference to the days when the players and manager of West Ham had a bit of class about them.

theaxeman 3:28 Sun Dec 11
Re: Massive East Stand Flag

I know you cant pander to everybody's whim but i think an image of Billy Bonds would represent fans more. The club tend to exploit King Bobbys image these days and i sadly feel it would be seen as a club led thing.

Billy lifting the fa cup would be fantastic. Maybe a poll?

timmyh 1:23 Sun Dec 11
Re: Massive East Stand Flag
So, there has been over 2000 votes already, and its not even been put on the OS yet, so thanks to everyone who has got involved so far. Please spread the word, put the link on social media and get as many West Ham fans involved as we can.

The voting poll is hosted here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/7JN5PCF

Also, had a fair few comments suggesting that some sort of Bobby Moore iconography is included, so looking at something along the lines of integrating an image of Bobby into the background, or something along those lines.

Lets hope we get a result at the bin dippers. IRONS.

Beckton Bill 12:49 Sat Dec 10
Re: Massive East Stand Flag
Something like this with a female version would be good!


Crassus 12:25 Sat Dec 10
Re: Massive East Stand Flag
Good work there Bill
I would pay good money to see Brady's face on tv when her new flag is revealed


Beckton Bill 8:23 Fri Dec 9
Re: Massive East Stand Flag
Great work Timmy.

I'd get two printed. The club approved one, then the fans one. When you bring it it a steward is hardly going to open it out to check its the right one!

Wanstead Bert 8:15 Fri Dec 9
Re: Massive East Stand Flag
I agree with Ilford Hammer 1:59 Fri Oct 14
Re: Massive East Stand Flag - what a load of bollocks - "you can have a flag, but only if we tell you what's on it"!

I don't buy that it's the stadium operators either - Brady will love a fucking big flag that shows a united front and no dissent or cunting off of the board. The club is being sanitised day by day, week by week, and it fucks me off, and I say that as one that was quite positive about the stadium move.

We don't own our own ground and everything that we had an affinity to, and was what made being a Hammer so good, is gradually being eroded. I genuinely sat in my seat on Saturday thinking "what the fuck am I doing here and what have we done".

If you truly want to send a message to the board, everyone should fuck the Man City cup game right off and let them see how many of the new, happy clapper breed of fan they seem to want turn up. And, more importantly, how many of the cunts will be cheering on City, rather than West Ham.

CasualKen 8:14 Fri Dec 9
Re: Massive East Stand Flag

riosleftsock 8:04 Fri Dec 9
Re: Massive East Stand Flag
Son of Anarchy 7:03 Fri Dec 9
Re: Massive East Stand Flag
Some fans chuck coins on the pitch to vent their anger but we are so lucky in our Iconic new stadium we can throw popcorn

I used to play a lot of cricket and was always the best fielder in our team. I could throw the ball from boundary to boundary.

No way in the world could I throw a coin onto the pitch at the OS, let alone popcorn (Without some help form the russian anti-doping agency)

Sarge 7:58 Fri Dec 9
Re: Massive East Stand Flag
Cross hammers



timmyh 7:41 Fri Dec 9
Re: Massive East Stand Flag
glad you noticed that...The point of the East London inclusion is that it is in direct contrast to the plastic re-branding of the club that we are 'London'. We are not London we are East London's football club which draws on our roots, history and heritage. Well, that's the idea anyway...

J.Riddle 7:05 Fri Dec 9
Re: Massive East Stand Flag
The owners seem to be going with the whole worldwide marketing thing as "LONDON"

As on the new badge logo and London Stadium.

I am surprised they are OK with EAST LONDON? Then again they will not be holding it aloft every game.

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